Love Never Fails | Greg Ford | ONE CHURCH

Love Never Fails | Greg Ford | ONE CHURCH


How did you see God move this last week?

We discusses the concept of love as described in 1 Corinthians 13. It emphasizes that love is patient, kind, and does not fail, even though relationships may end or feel like failures. Pastor Greg encourages viewers to assess their relationships through the lens of love and to find hope and new opportunities, drawing strength from the example of Jesus.

Understanding Love Through 1 Corinthians 13 1 Corinthians 13 was written to address relational issues within a church community. Paul emphasizes the importance of love over knowledge, mysteries, and humanitarian acts. Paul defines love as patient, kind, humble, selfless, forgiving, truthful, protective, trusting, hopeful, and enduring.

Understanding Love and Relationships Love is patient, kind, and selfless in relationships. The foundation of love is established in childhood experiences. Self-serving love may stem from a desire to be loved rather than true love.

Finding Love and Value: Overcoming the Void Inside Feeling empty inside leads to seeking love and validation from others. Desperation to fill the void with relationships can lead to pain and sabotage. God's love can fill the void and show true value, offering a solution to emptiness.

Understanding the Power of Love and Self-Worth Recognize the importance of self-love and acceptance. Realize that love is transformative, regardless of reciprocation.

Choosing Love Over Hate and Finding Hope in Difficult Situations Choosing not to succumb to hate despite being physically brutalized. Deciding to live a life shaped by love and hope, even in the face of adversity.

The Journey of Rejection and Redemption Jesus came to seek and save the lost, showing compassion and healing the broken. Despite rejection and betrayal, Jesus' story culminates in resurrection, symbolizing new opportunities and restoration. Love never fails, offering hope and new beginnings even in the face of rejection and failure.


How does the concept of love as described in 1 Corinthians 13 challenge your understanding of relationships and self-worth?

In what ways have you experienced the transformative power of love in your own life, regardless of reciprocation?


How can cultivating self-love and acceptance help fill the void of emptiness and lead to healthier relationships?


Reflect on a time when you chose love over hate in a difficult situation. How did that decision impact the outcome?


How can we draw strength from the example of Jesus in facing rejection and betrayal, and finding hope in new beginnings?


What steps can you take to assess your relationships through the lens of love, and how can you apply the principles of 1 Corinthians 13 to improve those relationships?


Lord, we acknowledge that at times we may feel empty inside, seeking love and validation from external sources. Fill us with your unconditional love and show us our true value in your eyes. Help us to find fulfillment and purpose in your presence, knowing that your love never fails.

Guide us to cultivate self-love and acceptance, recognizing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image. Grant us the strength to choose love over hate in difficult situations, and to always seek reconciliation and forgiveness.

May we draw inspiration from the example of Jesus, who showed compassion and forgiveness even in the face of rejection and betrayal. Help us to find hope in new beginnings, knowing that your love can transform even the most broken situations.

Lord, we surrender our relationships and our hearts to you. Grant us the wisdom to assess our connections through the lens of love and to nurture them with patience, kindness, and understanding. May our interactions be a reflection of your love and grace.

We thank you for your constant presence in our lives and for the gift of love that never fails. In your name, we pray. Amen.

One Church