The Honor and Power Test | Greg Ford | ONE CHURCH

The Honor and Power Test | Greg Ford | ONE CHURCH


How did you see God move this last week?

Pastor Greg discusses the temptations Jesus faced, highlighting the importance of finding one's identity and purpose in God rather than seeking validation from the world. He emphasizes the need to resist the temptation to worship false idols and instead worship God alone.

Jesus faced temptations in different locations to teach that some tests can only be passed in specific settings. Human beings often seek validation and approval to fill a void, but true fulfillment comes from operating from a place of fullness and purpose.

The devil tries to dislodge Jesus' fullness and validation by tempting him to question his identity and worth, illustrating how external influences can lead us to seek validation and value from worldly sources.

Please beware of the temptation to seek validation and worship from others, as it leads to a distorted desire for admiration and idolization, creating a void that can be exploited by external influences.

Operating from a place of fullness and honoring God alone leads to true honor and glory, unlike seeking validation from others to fill a void and prove oneself.

Feeling dishonored and not being honored can trigger despair, leading to a temptation to fill a void by seeking validation externally, but true alignment comes from knowing and honoring oneself internally.


How does the narrative of Jesus facing temptations resonate with the modern-day struggle of seeking validation and approval from external sources?

In what ways can individuals distinguish between healthy admiration for others and the harmful pursuit of external validation that leads to idolization?


How does the concept of finding inner fullness and alignment with spiritual values resonate with the idea of self-acceptance and self-worth in today's society?


What strategies can individuals employ to resist the temptation of seeking approval and recognition from others, and instead find fulfillment in a relationship with God?


How can the lessons from Jesus' response to temptations be applied in navigating personal challenges and maintaining a strong sense of identity and purpose in a world filled with external pressures and expectations?


Heavenly Father,

We come before you with humble hearts, seeking your guidance and strength in our journey of faith. Help us, Lord, to find our true identity and worth in you, rather than seeking validation from the world around us. Grant us the wisdom to resist the temptations of seeking approval and recognition from external sources, and instead, find fulfillment in our relationship with you.

May we be anchored in your truth and aligned with your divine purpose for our lives. Grant us the courage to stand firm in our faith, even in the face of worldly pressures and expectations. Help us to find inner fullness and peace in knowing that we are deeply loved and valued by you, our Heavenly Father.

Guide us, Lord, to honor and respect one another as fellow believers, recognizing the divine spark within each of us. May we support and uplift one another in our spiritual journeys, finding strength and encouragement in our shared faith.

Lord, grant us the strength to resist the allure of false idols and external validation, and instead, find our ultimate fulfillment in our relationship with you. Help us to trust in your plan for our lives and to walk in alignment with your will.

We offer this prayer in faith and gratitude, trusting in your infinite love and grace. Amen.

One Church