Gospel Centered | Revival

Main Verse:

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

- Matthew 6:33, NIV

Main Points:

1. We can’t plan a move of God, but we can prepare for God to move.

2. We can’t think of the Gospel Work as being about rewards versus consequences; the Work is about sharing the good, the urgent, news of the Gospel of Christ with a lost world.

3. Just as God proved His love by sending Christ while we were yet sinners, we too should embody that love, and prove it, by preparing for God to move and by putting the Gospel mission as a priority.

Action Steps:

1. Examine the book of Romans. Carefully study the Apostle Paul’s words on the nature of God’s love, our standing in Him, and the nature of the world around us.

2. Pray for clarity and for the strength to continue running the good race in preparation for His movement.

3. Obey and go!


1. Given your reading in Romans, how did Christ’s sacrifice impact our understanding of what it is to be loving? How does this relate to sharing the Gospel with others in the modern context?

2. It is important to think through the implications of a reward/punishment conception of Christianity; is this consistent with what Christ and the Apostles’ taught? If not, why not?

3. What does the Scripture, both Old and New Testament, have to say more broadly about fear, shame, and following God?

4. How does the Gospel relate to Christ’s loving action? In what way should Christians think of Christ’s being the very essence of love? What does this imply for the doctrine of the Trinity and for Christians today living in Christ?

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